Wheat field with a mountain in the distance

Interfacility Monthly CNA Professional Development Courses

MHN Responsibilities

  • The Nurse Educator will actively engage in the discussion, aiming to challenge students to delve deeper into the topics and facilitate connections among them.
  • The Nurse Educator will be tasked with monitoring and recording student participation and completion of assignments.
  • The modules must be completed on the CareLearning platform, while the group discussion will occur within Canvas. Students are expected to finish the assigned module monthly, with each module typically taking about an hour. Once the module is finished, students will access canvas to address a discussion question designed to help them apply the acquired knowledge to their practical work
  • Students will receive login credentials for both CareLearning and Canvas.

Facility Responsibilities

Facilities will be asked to pay an annual fee of $40 for each CNA they intend to enroll in the course  By March 31st, facilities are requested to furnish MHN with the names and email addresses of their CNAs they wish to enroll.